AnnouncementsDonations Module Re-Launched to Increase Conversions
Following the upgrade of Pledge and Ticketing modules, we have now upgraded our General Donations Module to leverage all the ease of our drag-and-drop content management system, plus brand-new mobile responsive templates built to convert donors! Highlights include:
1. Quick Donate Widget added to Campaign Home page. Of course, for your day-to-day campaign, this page can be skipped altogether.

2. Inspire action with words! Content regions at the top, as well as impact widgets to educate users about the cause and the impact of their dollars.

3. Donation Matrix setup with pre-selected amounts to increase average gift. The option to cover admin fee can be enabled to offset costs.

4. Review page eliminated to reduce abandonment on that step. The thank you page, delivered by the Content Management System, allows for multi-media images and videos, social share, call to action buttons to raise awareness, show impact, connect with the donor or cross promote other initiatives.

5. All customizable with the raisin Content Management System to achieve a variety of different look and feel that will match your brand.

6. Designed for cross device to capture donations on the go. The mobile optimized version has now been replaced by a fully responsive site.
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Existing Client? Contact your account manager to upgrade to the
new Donations module.