AnnouncementsEven More Data in our DonorPerfect Integration

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Our direct integration with DonorPerfect continues to expand. We’ve added more features and fields to our automatic API export so that when constituents register, donate or volunteer for your events in raisin and they sync with your database, you're able to better manage and better engage with them using DonorPerfect's suite of donor management tools.

More Contact Details Automatically Exported with raisin-DPO Integration:
More data, more insight! If you’ve enabled the Date of Birth field on raisin User Profile Forms, this will now populate in the Bio tab of their profile with the user's birthdate. Additionally, Salutation will automatically inherit the contact’s First Name as entered in raisin as per DPO’s standard behavior.

Intelligent Record-Matching for Returning Participants & User Updates:
A clean database is sometimes hard work. To reduce administrative "heavy-lifting", we've refined the automatic record-matching performed by the raisin-DPO Integration: If a returning participant joins or a user is modified in raisin and historical record is found with a matching raisin ID and Postal Code/ZIP, the platform updates only Phone and E-mail, keeping Name and Address the same in DPO. For fuzzier matches where a match is only found on raisin ID, Address fields update, but Name is also left intact.

Gifts Imported into DPO for Paid Gifts Only:
Your feedback is instrumental in shaping the direction of the raisin platform. We heard from a number of our DPO users that $0.00 gifts, like a free event registration, cause reporting confusion and artificially depress gift calculations... so, we made a change! When a transaction of $0.00 value takes place in raisin, Contact and Event Information for the user is exported, but the Gift is not by default. Still want to report on $0.00 gifts? Let us know and we can configure your account accordingly.

Never Override DonorPefect-Specific Fields:
There are some fields in DonorPerfect that raisin does not map to like Suffix, Salutation, ProfTitle, FaxPhone and NoMailReason. For data integrity, especially for historical records, we added logic to ensure these fields are never overwritten in DPO when a user is exported from raisin.

Check out more about our Integration or contact us for a demo to see how you can leverage raisin and DonorPerfect's best-in-class tools.

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